
Bullying and Harassment

Under workplace law, employers and employees have legal duties regarding occupational health and safety, including workplace bullying and harassment. This workshop has been developed to meet and exceed legislated training requirements for employers. Participants will be provided with the tools to ensure compliance, identify and respond to the inappropriate bullying and harassment behaviours that occur all to often in workplaces and more importantly, put practices into place that will prevent workplace bullying and harassment. Emphasis is placed on ensuring that all employees are aware of their rights and responsibilities to ensure that the workplace is free from bullying and harassment.

Personality Dimensions®

The rapid changes in the economy are driving workplaces that demand effective working relationships. Personality Dimensions® creates a framework to effectively communicate goals and expectations. Employees are not energized when the focus is on toxic behaviours. Personality Dimension® workshops highlight the values and strengths that each person brings and reinforces these in a positive framework. After attending the workshops, participants will have the tools founded on mutual respect. They will understand and strengthen communication creating strong relationships within the work environment and beyond. Using the philosophy of understanding yourself and others, Personality Dimensions® motivates and inspires team members to boost effectiveness. Upon completion of Personality Dimensions® workshops, participants will have a deeper understanding of themselves and others. Application Sessions Building on the successes created in the Introductory Program, Personality Dimensions®  workshops focus on specific team challenges and goals.  These custom-tailored workshops can be executed in conjunction with an Introductory Program, or as a follow-up session at a later time. Conflict Management In life and work, conflict is difficult to avoid, work through and successfully resolve.  By understanding the motivations behind our responses to conflict, the negative impacts can be minimized. The Personality Dimensions® Conflict Management Program offers practical solutions to help recognize and […]

Trauma Informed Practice

This workshop examines how caring, compassion and curiosity are foundational to effective leadership. Through meaningful discussion, participants will enhance their understanding of the meaning and impact of trauma, vicarious, secondary, compassionate trauma, and stress in the workplace. Participants will examine the effects of trauma on staff and develop an understanding of how trauma influences staff behaviour. This workshop also provides information on the principles of trauma-informed leadership and provides participants with tools for establishing professional boundaries with respect to care for oneself and for others.

Conflict Resolution Through Courageous Conversation

Having the ability to address conflict in the workplace in a positive and productive manner is foundational to creating a great workplace culture. Healthy workplaces embed positive conflict resolution strategies into their day-to-day activities. Leaders encourage conflict resolution through the use of courageous conversations. Participants will learn about stages of conflict, overcoming conflict, and will develop skills that empower high-performing teams.

Microaggressions and Acts of Exclusion

Although overt behaviours can more easily be identified as bullying and/or harassing in nature, it is often the subtle words and actions that go unnoticed and greatly impact one’s emotional well-being.

Psychological Safety in the Workplace

Psychological Safety in the Workplace

Mental health issues in the workplace are on the rise and are incredibly costly to employees and to employers. Having a workplace that embraces psychological safety is paramount to enhancing employee emotional well-being. For leaders and for employees, this workshop introduces participants to tools that will enhance their ability to create a psychologically safe workplace and greatly reduce behaviours that contribute to toxic work environments. After completing this workshop, participants will: Begin their journey to creating effective, engaged and high performing teams Understand the dimensions of psychological safety in the workplace. Model behaviours that empower organizational effectiveness. Implement Canada’s National Standard for Workplace Psychological Health

Organizational Excellence

Using the Organizational Excellence Framework in a holistic or modular approach: Establishing the foundation on which to develop and continually improve an organization Providing an integrated and coordinated methodology to drive tangible results Identifying the interdependencies and interrelationships between management areas Reducing non-value add activity Contributing to becoming an ‘employer of choice’ and ‘preferred supplier’ Providing a performance benchmarking and improvement program This work focuses on best management practices in nine key management areas: Governance Leadership Planning Customers Employees Work Processes Suppliers & Partners Resource Management Continuous Improvement & Performance Measurement Offering a one-day holistic introduction and nine modular workshops with a singular focus on one of the above key management areas.  Organizations that have received national recognition for implementing excellence models have experienced exceptional results – good governance, trust in leadership, customer delight, employee engagement, continually improving work processes, strong supplier and partner relationships, better utilization of resources, balanced system of measurement, and financial results.

Customized workshops

Our team continues to create new workshops. If there is an HR-related workshop that you don’t see here and would like for your team, please contact us.